

Max M. 阿拉维


Max M. Alavi

马克 克劳斯

Mark Krause 先生是 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的助理律师。



Angela Zeng 女士是 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的助理律师。 她的工作重点是遗嘱检验、信托管理和诉讼。

OC-Angela Zeng

凯瑟琳 哈特利

Kathleen Hateley 女士是 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的法律顾问,主要负责诉讼业务。



"max Alavi 让创建家族信托的过程变得非常简单。他做事有条不紊,能够迅速回答我的任何问题。他对我非常尊重,并就我的需求问了很多周到的问题。如果您需要家族信托,我毫无保留地向您强烈推荐 Max Alavi。
我发现麦克斯很有耐心,对我们的要求有求必应。 由于我们住在州外,无法在较短时间内签署所有文件,所以我们花了一段时间才把一切安排妥当。 我会向我的同事推荐 Mr.当我的同事提到生前信托时,我会向他们推荐 Alavi 先生。
max 到我的公司来介绍他的服务。 他非常专业,回答了我们关于他的服务的任何问题。 他的语言非常通俗易懂,确保他不会高谈阔论。 我聘请了 Mr.在整个过程中,他都非常耐心,并确保我们理解信托中的所有内容。 与 Max 打交道轻而易举,我会向我所有的朋友和同事推荐他。

Mr. Max Alavi, licensed in 1992, is recognized as a Super Lawyer in the areas of estate planning, probate and trust and probate litigation. Mr. Alavi is passionate about his personal involvement with clients and making sure that their wishes for their family or those of the loved one who has passed be realized fully, quickly and efficiently.

Mr. Alavi started his law practice with the law firm of Odom, Schmerin and Thomason in Houston, Texas as a litigator. Upon moving to California, He has focused his practice on Trust and Probate litigation, Estate Planning and Probate, leading a capable and driven team of legal professionals who strive everyday to achieve extraordinary results.

Max Alavi

Max M Alavi

Ms. Angela Zeng is an associate attorney at Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC. Her focus is
Probate, Trust Administration, and Litigation concerning Probate and Trust Estates. Ms. Zeng
received her Juris Doctorate from Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law in 2023, and
graduated Cum Laude from University of California, Berkeley in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts
double major degree in English and Sociology. During her legal education, Ms. Zeng developed
a strong interest in estate planning and earned one of the highest grades in Pepperdine Law’s specialized course on inheritance law, Advanced Wills and Trusts. In her spare time, Ms. Zeng enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She also speaks Mandarin fluently.

Angela Zeng

Mrs. Kathleen Hateley is Of Counsel to Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC and her sole focus is litigation. Mrs. Hateley has over 35 years of trial experience and is licensed to practice law in all state courts for the State of California as well as all U.S. District Courts for the Southern, Central and Northern districts of California. Mrs. Hateley started her legal career at a law firm in downtown Los Angeles where she was trained in litigation strategy. During the course of her practice, she has gained experience as a trial attorney, mentor and mediator. Mrs. Hateley served as Of Counsel to Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC from 2010 to 2017. From 2017 to 2022 she served as Chief Legal Officer to two corporations located in Los Angeles, and most recently, as West Coast Regional Counsel to a global engineering firm. We are thrilled to have her back with us to train our associates and assist our clients. Mrs. Hateley serves as Of Counsel with Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC where she is involved in litigation related to trustee representation in contested trust matters, breach of fiduciary duties, fraud and elder abuse causes of action. Mrs. Hateley received her Juris Doctorate degree in law from the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific in 1987 with honors; and a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from UCLA in 1984. *According to California Rule of Professional Conduct 1-400(E)(8), an attorney is “Of Counsel” if there is a “close, personal, continuous and regular relationship” with a named firm. The “Of Counsel” can maintain a separate source of work, so long as conflicts and other ethical implications do not arise.

Kathleen Hateley

Max Alavi 先生于 1992 年获得执业资格,是遗产规划、遗嘱认证、信托和遗嘱认证诉讼领域公认的超级律师。 Alavi 先生热衷于亲自参与客户事务,确保客户对家人或已故亲人的愿望能够全面、快速、高效地实现。

阿拉维先生最初在德克萨斯州休斯顿的奥多姆、施梅林和托马森律师事务所担任诉讼律师。 移居加利福尼亚州后,他将执业重点放在信托和遗嘱诉讼、遗产规划和遗嘱认证上,领导着一支能干、积极进取的法律专业团队,每天都在努力取得非凡的成果。

Max Alavi

Max M Alavi

Mark Krause 先生是 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的助理律师。 他的主要工作是信托管理、遗嘱检验以及有关遗嘱检验和信托遗产的诉讼。 Krause 先生于 2014 年以优等成绩毕业于佩珀代因大学法学院。 Krause 先生的执业风格是热心代理,并致力于深入了解客户的目标。 Krause 先生不从事法律工作时,喜欢与妻子和年幼的孩子们在一起。


Kathleen Hateley 女士是 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的法律顾问,主要负责诉讼业务。 Hateley 女士拥有超过 35 年的审判经验,持有加利福尼亚州所有州法院以及加利福尼亚州南区、中区和北区所有美国地区法院的执业律师资格。 Hateley 女士的法律职业生涯始于洛杉矶市中心的一家律师事务所,在那里她接受了诉讼策略方面的培训。 在执业过程中,她积累了丰富的出庭律师、导师和调解员经验。 2010 年至 2017 年,Hateley 女士担任 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 的法律顾问。 2017 年至 2022 年,她曾担任洛杉矶两家公司的首席法务官,最近还担任一家全球工程公司的西海岸地区法律顾问。 我们很高兴她能回到我们的团队,为我们的律师提供培训,为我们的客户提供帮助。 Hateley 女士在 Max Alavi, Attorney at Law, APC 律师事务所担任法律顾问,主要从事与有争议的信托事务中的受托人代理、违反信托责任、欺诈和虐待老人等诉讼相关的工作。 Hateley 女士于 1987 年以优异成绩获得太平洋大学麦克乔治法学院法学博士学位,并于 1984 年获得加州大学洛杉矶分校心理学文学学士学位。 *根据《加利福尼亚州职业行为规则》第 1-400(E)(8)条的规定,如果律师与指定的事务所存在 “密切的、个人的、持续的和定期的关系”,则该律师为 “法律顾问”。 只要不产生冲突和其他道德影响,”法律顾问 “可以保持独立的工作来源。
